Scratch programming Workshops

Scratch is the best introduction to coding for beginners and young girls. It is a block-based programming language and uses a drag and drop method which lets kids perform actions quickly and easily. After starting out with Scratch, kids will often develop an interest in using more advanced coding languages – like Java and Python.

Scratch Workshop Overview

An introduction to programming using Scratch, a visual programming language via which students can write code by dragging and dropping graphical blocks (that resemble puzzle pieces) instead of typing out text. This workshop introduces students to the fundamentals of programming, found not only in Scratch itself but in traditional text-based languages (like Java and Python) as well.

Schedule: 3-day workshop

Day 1 - Intro to Scratch


Day 2 - Deep Dive Into Scratch


Day 3 - Scratch Project


All workshops will be online using zoom

What's next?

Next, join Python and Java workshops to get introduced to structured programming languages.