python programming Workshops

In today’s world, the ability to code continues to grow in importance. Coding is no longer the sole domain of computer programmers, but rather a useful skill to have in any career. Kids with an eye to their future know that learning to code is important, but figuring out which one to learn can be an intimidating task. Some languages are easier to learn, while others have a wider application. Python is surprisingly easy to learn, so it’s a good choice for kids.

Python Workshop Overview

Python workshop helps in learning the basics of the python programming language. The content goes through the fundamentals to represent and store data using Python data types and variables, and use conditionals and loops to control the flow of your programs. In this workshop, we will transition from block coding, which they learned in Scratch, to text-based coding. Join me, learn, and have fun!

Schedule: 3-day workshop

Day 1 - Intro to Python


Day 2 - Deep Dive Into Python


Day 3 - Python Project


All workshops will be online using zoom


  • Commenting

  • Variables (including data types)

  • Operations and Operators (logical, mathematical, and relational)

  • Concatenation (what can or can’t you do)

  • Lists and Dictionaries (examples of data structures)

  • If-Else Statements

  • Functions

  • For-While Loops

  • Hands-on examples to solidify understanding

What's next?

Next, join the Java workshops to get introduced to another structured programming language.